Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Newbies To League of Legends?

New To League of Legends?

          Today I decide to use English in this blog, why? No big reason, just want to expand a little bit of my English to the World xD. As you can see in the title, are you just joining the online MOBA or Multiplayer Online Battle Arena called League of Legends? well, look no further because I'll explain how, where, what, and when; when you play this Online Games. So if you really new, I'll give the Download button HERE. When you're inside the website that I gave you, you can signing up first, choose what region you at. And sign up and download the game. Simple as that; So the goal in this game is to destroy the enemy Nexus at their base, what is Nexus? here's the picture of it:

If you destroy this Nexus:


          Its easy right? but its hard to get to their Nexus, Why? here's the Summoner's Rift Map:

as you can see, the Red arrow Pointing at the Nexus, the Orange means the Turret. Turret is the tower that will shoot the Fun out of you, so you gotta destroy it first before you advance into other tower. Oh and I forgot, there're 3 Lanes that you can go, Top who usually a Fighter and Tanky Champion, I recommend Pick Garen, Master Yi, Ryze, Warwick, or Jax. They're an easy champion to use for Beginner. I honestly when I play League, the first champion that i ever use was Garen. And it went pretty good. Next Mid, who is usually OP (Over Powered) Champion. I recommend Annie; Why? Hell yeah Annie got her stunt passive, and whenever you kill Minion with your Q, it will restore back your mana. Here's the Annie Champion Spotlight: 

Yep, easy for beginner. the points are Farm Minion with your Q, and Stack your passive, save it and stunt the enemy Champion. Next is Bot; in bot, there're got to be 2 people at Bot. Why? because one supposed to be Support and Carry. what is Carry? you know the word carry? to pick up, to lead the team to win the game. So Carry means a lot that actually need a support, so you know what support's job is? yep to support the carry. I recommend Ashe for the Carry. She's easy, cheap, and if you play the tutorial for League of Legends, they let you to play Ashe. Why? because she's easy; Here's the video of Ashe:


 I'm not gonna go through all, cuz when it come to Mid laner, i could talk all day... so...... what else did you do to be able to win this? The point is to get as many Last hitting on the minions, buy item, getting strong, kill the enemy champion, destroy the turret, team work, and BOOM; The enemy Nexus will be conquered in no time. My advice to you all, find a friend that actually play this League of Legends game. why? because League's community are toxic. Lots of trolling, Leaver, and feeders. Feeders is when they gave the enemy champion a kill, that will make them Fed. So Grab a friend, play together, Strong together, and Win together. And if you're level 30 already, you will be able to play Ranked. In League, there are different Division. Like from the lowest to the highest, start from:







So what are you waiting for, close this blog and start playing League
Best of Luck...
Don't play Teemo...

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