Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Reformasi di Amerika pada saat Jaman Industri

Reformasi di Amerika pada saat Progressive Era

          Ini tulisan yang sebarnya sudah saya tulis, Biasa Tugas, jadi saya akan Membagikan tugas tersebut disini

     Reform Movements

         America has been thrown by a lot of problem. and some people care about their nation, and want to fix it. so they’re often make some movement to fix things to make it good. these reform Movement have been an important part of the United states history. for example when Progressive era, so many immigrant come to United States for some reason to have some opportunity to be success. But many immigrant don’t think about what will they got. America promise that they will happy, and being take care of. but the truth is that they live in a dark, dirty, and such a small room for a lot of people inside. not only that, they also expose the meat industry. that the industry is dirty, living rat everywhere, and they use dirty water, that the meat have the molty, white meat; which is a bad meat condition for human being. the movement for these reform are Jacob Riis and Upton Sinclair. they both want to expose the truth behind the curtain, and make people to wake up, and build a better America.
         In the !800, America received a lot of immigrant, Why? because of the offer that is being given by the American’s government. and Immigrant sees this as an opportunity. But because America didn’t quite ready to hold the immigrant, the immigrants don’t expect what are they going to get. not a nice house, not a nice job also, but in a horrible place; they live in an apartment called tenement. in there, its very small for such a lot people inside. Jacob Riis, his job is Police Headquarter. over there, he now taking a picture inside a tenement room, and make a book called “How the other half lives” and his idea is to make better living condition for the poor immigrants. because Jacob Riis spread the photo, and his book is popular, and many people read and knowing that the immigrants are in a bad living condition. So people in government pass the laws that is to make modern improvement to new residential construction. and also government destroy the old, dirty place, and build a new one that’s much better than before.Jacob Riis just help the poor, untreated immigrant to have a better living condition, and because of Jacob Riis, Government pass a new law about a place that’s good for human to live inside.
         America already use Machine in 1800. so everything is made by a machines. furniture, car, steel, even food. food are important because, food make people healthy, stay fit and happy. But in meat factory, its so dirty, black smoke everywhere, and rat lived there. even the meat are molty, white meat, and use dirty water. people don’t want their food dirty; it will make people sick, and probably die because of the poison. Upton Sinclair, his job as a writing journalistic; and accidently, he knew about the factory that process food are dirty, same as Jacob Riis, he made a Novel called “the Jungle” and the novel became popular, and people now know what kind of meat are they eating. because of this, government passed the meat inspection act of 1906, and they’re rebuild the meat industry, and make it better than before. Sinclair make people meat healthier than before, and now, people don’t have to worried about the meat that they’re about to eat because of Upton Sinclair.
         the Progressive era’s movement, the ment to make America better. like make a better living condition, and make a better meat industry. because of Jacob Riis and Upton Sinclair, they expose what behind the curtain, and open people’s eyes about the truth that government’s hide. they open people’s heart and make government to do something about it, before and revolution begins. these Reform movements have been an important part of the United States History, and the way they change America also important to the people.

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